I will stop complaining… just not today

It’s the end of another long, exhausting day, in which I have, once again, failed to get round to doing most of the things I wanted to. Mostly beacuse I missed my train home by roughly a minute (why is it never delayed when I want it to be?) and ended up spending a delightful hour wandering around the train station drinking a Chai Latte made with green tea that mostlyn tasted like powder and made me feel slightly sick. At least today I managed to have food on the table by 9:30pm (my food at least, Jan is not home yet so his is still the frying pan keeping warm… and hopefully not burning). Not much of an achievement I know, but we have to celebrate the small victories.
Work is fairly stressful at the moment. Lots of jobs… both large ones that take up lots of time and small ones that the customers want back as soon as possible, preferably yesterday but they’ll settle for later the same day until someone finally manages to invent a working time machine.
Also, today I received an e-mail from my university informing me that they tried to take the latest tuition fees payment from my bank account in England, but it failed and would I please make arrangements to pay immediately if not sooner. Unfortunately I’ve done rather a lot of spending this month and my wages are already rather depleted so I’m not quite sure how I’m going to manage that one. Borrow more money from the boyfriend perhaps. Considering how much I owe him already another couple of hundred isn’t going to make much of a difference…

I promised you all a post about something good, didn’t I?
Tomorrow, perhaps. Today I feel the need to complain.