Tossing and turning

I was in bed before 10:30 last night. Very sensible, no? Actually, me being me it had nothing to do with good sense and a lot to do with that fact that I couldn’t think of anything else to do. After 5 hours of looking at art and books online even I couldn’t bear to spend any more time on the computer so I decided I would go to bed early, get a good night’s sleep and be all refreshed for work this morning.
Ha! I wish it had worked like that…

At 20 past ten I snuggled up in bed and turned the light out. The next 15 minutes I spent trying to get warm. 10 minutes later I was too hot, so off went the extra blanket I had put on top of the quilt. Then I was thirsty, so I drank half a bottle of water only to discover 2 minutes later that I was still thirsty. More water. Lots of tossing and turning and trying to get comfortable followed. When Jan sent me a text message at 11:30 I was still awake. At 10 past 12 I got up to turn the radiator down. At 12:30 I drank the last of my water and got up again to refill the bottle. I supose I must have fallen asleep not long after that – the next thing I remember is waking up at 2:30 desperate for a wee. Not really surprising after all the water, but still unbelievably annoying. After all, at this point I had spent more time tossing and turning than actually sleeping. The last thing I wanted was to go through it all again. Luckily this time it only took me about 15 minutes of trying to get comfortable before I fell back to sleep and managed to stay that way until 6 o’clock. If this is what I get for going to bed at a sensible time in future I’m not even going to bloody bother…

Water, water everywhere

Don’t you hate it when you’re incredibly thirsty, have no hope of getting a drink any time soon and you’re stuck outside in the pouring rain. No matter how long you keep your head tilted skywards and your mouth open not a drop of liquid manages to make it’s way down you throat.

If all the world were paper
And all the sea were ink,
If all the trees were bread and cheese
What would we do for drink?