Friday letters

It’s the final day of the working week, which means it must be time for another exciting edition of Friday letters.

knob and letter box
(Photo credit: Leo Reynolds)

Dear new necklace. I probably shouldn’t have bought you, but you were just too pretty to resist. I shall wear you lots to make sure I get my money’s worth!

Dear Amazon. Please stop tempting me with your oh-so-perfect recommendations. I cannot afford to buy all the things I want from you!

Dear quiz team. Next month, we shall be better. OK?

Dear boyfriend. Thank you for my anniversary flowers. Very pretty πŸ™‚

Dear self. No, chocolate is not a healthy, balanced breakfast. Also, remember your exercise DVD? Do it!!

Dear bed. I’ve been neglecting you this week. Don’t worry, I intend to make up for it over the weekend!

Dear readers. Happy Friday! have a great weekend.


2 thoughts on “Friday letters

  1. Chocolate is totally an acceptable breakfast! I have survived on chocolate this week while being full of cold and generally poorly! My plan was also to catch up on some quality me and my bed time this morning, until my neighbours alarm clock started sounding at about 8 and didn’t stop for over an hour! Grr! Have a good one!

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