July 2021 recap

Hello friends! Can you believe it’s August already? My birthday month! Mind you, the amount of rain we had in July you would think it was October already. At one point we had thunder and lightning every day for about 5 days in a row! I love a good storm but that felt a little excessive. I think we had maybe 7 or 8 days without any rain and probably 5 of them were sunny. Luckily we weren’t affected by the flooding that hit other areas – the images from Germany were awful! The Rhine here was much higher than normal and ships were stopped because they couldn’t fit under the bridges but overall we got off lightly. There was some flooding in other parts of Switzerland but not wide-scale destruction and I’m not aware of any deaths from floods.

The Rhine in Basel, July 2021

Given the amount of rain you can probably guess that we didn’t really do much. On one of the drier days we drove up to somewhere near Grenchen (I think) and took a walk to a view point. On the 21st I went to Germany to have a meal with my colleagues – our delayed Christmas meal. I said I would go as long as it was possible to sit outside and it ended up being the one sunny week of the month (of course on the Friday evening the rain returned just in time for the weekend and then remained for the entire rest of the month…). Since Germany has now decided everyone needs a “COVID certificate” to get in and I am not vaccinated (yet – but I now have an appointment for my first dose) I won’t be going to the office anytime soon so I’m pleased I went and saw everybody. I don’t feel like getting tested to go into work so it will be the last time I see them for a while! The trains I took were at non-peak times and nobody tried to sit next to me so I felt pretty safe.

View of the River Aare from above

I read 9 books in July, all for the 15th round of Book Challenge by Erin. More on that next Tuesday when it’s time for Show Us Your Books.

We watched football – Jan more than me. He actually went out a couple of times to watch with a friend (outdoors at non-crowded bars – they ended up leaving one place because they felt it was too crowded). I did watch the final. Ah England – so close. Penalties are the woooorst! We’ve watched a bit of the Olympics, mainly recaps since it’s mostly happening either in the early hours of the morning. I enjoyed the women’s triple jump, the BMX events and the men’s high jump. How lovely was it when they decided to share the gold medal? We have also been continuing to watch Richard Osman’s House of Games although it’s still repeats. And the other day we watched Dirty Dancing – the first time I had seen it in probably 20-odd years!

My friend had her third son on 1st July and I finally finished the birth sampler I’ve been cross stitching for months (no exaggeration). His name and date of birth are below the picture but I’ve cut them off for privacy.

I can’t think of anything else I want to say. I managed to continue going for walks most weeks during brief breaks in the rain – although there was one week that I missed entirely because the weather was just awful and I didn’t want to go out for any length of time at all.

That’s all I’ve got for you. More next month. I hope you are all well, safe, happy and staying dry or cool, depending on which weather extreme you’re currently going through (those seem to be the main ones currently…).

Friday letters

Ah Friday… you wonderful harbinger of the weekend! I’ve been having trouble falling asleep all week, so you’re even more welcome than you would have been anyway. To celebrate, let’s have some letters.

Friday letters

Dear Yankee Candle. That is not what a crackling wood fire smells like! Have you actually been near a fire lately?

Dear weather. I take it you are trying to convince me that it really is November and not May at the absolute latest, as my brain is still convinced it must be? I can think of no other explanation for this constant rain 😉

Dear baked potatoes. I will never cease to be amazed (and grateful) that something so simple is so good.

Dear blue tits. Hello! How nice to see you gracing the balcony again. I’m not sure where you disappear to over the summer, but I’m glad you’re back! (But please stop trying to eat my parsley!)

Dear Christmas. You are sneaking up way too fast and I really need to decide on gifts for my family before it’s too late…

That’s all for today. Happy Friday everyone… and happy weekend!

Friday letters

There’s nothing quite like the disappointment of feeling like it’s Friday only to remember that, actually, you still have another entire day to go before the weekend. Repeat every 2-3 hours and you have my day yesterday. But now, finally, it really is Friday. Hurrah! How about some letters?

Friday letters

Dear godson. So, you’re a big 5 years old already! Glad you liked your present (I gave you a marble run because I secretly want one for myself).

Dear weather. Umm, you know it’s supposed to be late summer, right? You’ll have plenty of time for your cold and wind and rain over the next few months so could you at least try to let us down gently please?

Dear rainbow I saw last night. You were beautiful – the biggest (width-wise) and brightest I have ever seen. It’s just a shame you had already disappeared by the time I ran inside and grabbed my camera.

Dear Christmas cross stitch. (Yes, I used the C-word. In September.). I really need to get a move on if I’m going to get all my cards finished in time! It’s less than three months until my sister’s wedding, and I’m hoping to take all the family cards with me when I go to England for that…

Dear scales. Well, at least the number you’re showing my now is back to my previous highest-ever weight from before the holiday completely threw everything out the window. You seem to have stalled again now though. Let’s see some downward movement next week, okay?

That’s all folks. Much love to all who are reading. Have a great weekend.

Friday letters

How is it Friday again people? This week has gone way too fast, again. I had another public holiday yesterday (the last one until October!) and I was hoping to get lots done, but I didn’t even manage half of it. *Sigh* Anyway, on with the letters.

Friday letters


Dear kettle. I’m sorry I have to boil you so many times before I actually get round to making a cup of tea. You can blame your being overworked on all my work, okay?

Dear parsley. It was very exciting to put some of you in my salad last night having grown you from a seed!

Dear WordPress. What happened to the media space upgrade option? Apparently the only way I can get more space for photos now is by purchasing a domain. I don’t want a domain, just more space!

Dear weather. I’m glad you’ve cooled down a little bit – over 30°C is just too much for me!

Right, that’s all for today. Lunch break over… back to work! Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

Friday letters

I know I keep saying this, but where is this year going?! We’re more than half way through June already! Unbelievable. At this rate it’s going to be December and I’m going to realise I’ve achieved nothing all year!

But enough about that… letters!


Dear weather. You have a week to improve ready for me to show my visitors around Basel!

Dear mam/brother. Speaking of which… one week til I see you! I’m looking forward to it 🙂

Dear new wardrobe. Can’t wait for you to finally arrive next week!

Dear scales. I’m still not impressed with the number you’re showing me, but at least now it’s moving in the right direction!

Dear cheese. Somebody posted an article on Facebook recently claiming you had been proven to be addictive. Not sure how scientific said article was but I can well believe it!

That’s it for today. I’m off to the shops to find something for tea. Happy Friday, everyone!

Friday letters

It will be a short Friday letters today because I have a big, difficult translation at the moment and I need to cut my lunch break short then work longer tonight to make sure it’s done in time. I do get a long weekend to make up for it though. Thank you Whit Monday 😀


Dear Eurovision. I’ve purposely avoided all your semi-finals and things so I have no idea what to expect tomorrow. I can’t wait to revel in your cheesiness!

Dear weather. How very kind of you to turn awful just in time for the long weekend. (In case you didn’t get it, yes that was sarcasm!)

Dear new chest of drawers. I’m so excited for you to arrive next week! Hurry up, Wednesday. (Although, on second thoughts, don’t hurry too much. I want t enjoy my long weekend.)

Dear bulgur wheat. How did it take me so long to discover you? Since moving to Switzerland you’ve become a staple in our household. A delicious, easy to cook staple.

Dear summer reading challenge. The category list comes out this Sunday you say? Ooooh!

Happy Friday everyone. I’m off to eat a quick lunch. Hope your weekend is fabulous!

Friday letters

It’s the last Friday of April today! How?! Why?! Surely it hasn’t really been an entire month since we flew back from New Zealand?!

This week has been looong. I spent all of Wednesday being convinced it was Friday. Clearly it was not! It really is now though, which means it’s time for some letters!


Dear postman. If you have something you want me to sign for, here’s how it works: you ring the bell, I answer, you speak! I am not coming down unless you tell me who you are and what you want!

Dear weather. Cycling between sleet and bright sunshine every half hour is just weird, even for April!

Dear godson. Your mammy keeps posting photos of you on Facebook and I’ve decided you’re getting far too big. It’s going to be ages before I can see you again so I’m going to need you to stop growing up now, okay?

Dear cross stitch. I have lots of ideas right now! I just wish I had the time to implement them.

Dear children’s books. I’m amassing quite a collection of you. Now all I need is a child to read you to… 😉

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have an amazing weekend.

Friday letters

I am so unbelievably ready for Friday this week! The last 2 days have been so busy – I did overtime on Wednesday and yesterday I worked for 6 and a half hours before I managed to take my break (which technically isn’t even allowed, but I had a deadline!) I did manage to get out during my lunch break on Tuesday and met up for coffee with someone I’ve been talking to on an expat’s forum – the first time I’ve tried to meet people in Switzerland without dragging Jan along for moral support! I managed not to say anything stupid and make a fool of myself, and she had her toddler with her, which provided a distraction for my awkward silences, so that’s positive. It’s so hard making friends when you’re incredibly awkward and scared of social situations! Anywaaay… letters.

letter box

(I need a new letterbox pictures! I’ve used the ones I have so many times.)

Dear weather. You were so nice yesterday when I was stuck inside. Now the rain has started that’s set to continue all weekend. Thanks for that!

Dear clothes. I promise you will have a wardrobe to go in very, very soon! We have a trip to a furniture shop planned… (Yes, dear readers, after almost a year in Switzerland my clothes are still mostly in boxes).

Dear dishwasher. The man who came to look at you the other day said you were 20 years old. You certainly don’t look it! After all that time I suppose I can’t be too mad that you’ve given up washing dishes. I just hope your replacement comes soon!

Dear squirrel. It was such a nice surprise seeing you in our garden the other day. I hope you come back and visit us again!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have a great weekend!


Friday letters

Good news people – I am planning on revealing the answer to this year’s Christmas cross stitch guessing game tomorrow! Sorry you’ve had to wait so long…
Today, though, it’s Friday. And that means letters.


Dear weather. I don’t understand you! Here we are in December, and you’re forecasting weekend temperatures of up to 12°C! What?!

Dear tea. Once again, you’re the only thing that’s kept me sane this week, so thank you for that! Where would I be without a nice cup of tea?

Dear double-sided sticky tape. Must you be quite so sticky? I mean, obviously I want the things I stick with you to stay put, but what you do to my poor scissors seems a little excessive!

Dear birds. I’m glad to see you’ve discovered the feeder we bought for you at the Christmas market and seem to be enjoying it!

Right, that’s it for today. It’s my lunch break so I need to go and eat. I’ve also got a headache and I’m hoping food will help it! Roll on the end of the working day…


Friday letters

Wow, it’s Friday again already. These weekends keep rolling around so fast! I can’t believe we’re almost half way through June already! I thought I’d got rid of my cold, but this week either it came back with a vengeance or I caught a new (worse!) one. Luckily Jan had to go to Germany yesterday so I enlisted him to buy me some Erkältungstee (tea for colds) since the only one I’ve discovered here so far was incredibly expensive and contained only thyme. I have thyme tea already from my foodie penpals package and I haven’t noticed it doing anything for my cold! The one Jan fetched from Germany contains thyme as well, but at least it also has willow bark, which has the same active ingredient as Aspirin and at least has a chance of helping. Obviously I would prefer real medicine but I’m down to my last sachet of Lemsip and I’m reluctactant to use it unless I’m so ill I can’t get out of bed. When it’s gone it’s gone! I found out this week that I’m actually not covered by my German insurance because I work from home and the Swiss class that as working from Switzerland (even though my employer is German!), so now I have to sort out Swiss health insurance and try to get an exemption from t he German one so I’m not paying twice. Swiss health insurance is, of course, more expensive and covers less, so that sucks. Will things ever actually be sorted?! Oh well, letters!

letter boxDear health insurance woman. Thank you for calling me to let me know you wouldn’t cover me before I received the official letter. That way I was at least able to be prepared.

Dear “cold” tea. I hope you work because you’re all I’ve got right now!

Dear Alyson Hannigan. I saw a iny bit of How I Met Your Mother while flicking through channels the other day and I swear you haven’t aged at all since my days of watching you in Buffy. What’s your secret?

Dear weather. It would be nice if you could actually stay the same for more than two days in a row some time!

OK, that’s all from me. I hope you all have a great weekend! Tomorrow (20 June) is another photo an hour day with Jane and Louisa – you really should join in! I’m planning on heading to a street food festival so I will actually have something to take photos of for a change!