A Photo an Hour: 21 February 2015

Yesterday I took part in A Photo an Hour, hosted by Jane from Is That You Darling? and Louisa from Duck in a Dress. Here are the results of my efforts.

11 a.m. A late start to the morning (but in my defence, I’d had a looong day the day before… and a long week for that matter!). First things first: a cup of tea is needed!

12 noon Doing a bit of cross stitch (actually, at this point I was unpicking. Yes, I messed up right at the beginning and had to start over)

1 p.m. A spot of lunch (brunch?) while looking for even more flat adverts to respond to. Jan took the tablet while I was fetching my camera and then wouldn’t give it back to me, so instead of a real estate website, you get a photo of my empty plate.

2 p.m. Wrapping a new home gift for a friend ready to take it to the post office.

3 p.m. Showered and dressed… aren’t my spotty tights fab?

4 p.m. Post office done, now to head home via the supermarket. I happened to be passing St Stephen’s Church at 4, and its chimes reminded me to take a photo so I decided it deserved to be the subject of said photo.

5 p.m. Time to wash some dishes. I’m ashamed to say that I was washing dishes from Thursday!

6 p.m. Sorting out some of my crafting supplies… a task that desperately needs doing so I can pack up the spare room read for the move.

7 p.m. Cracking some eggs to make omelets for tea.

8 p.m. Carrot and apple salad (it’s a German thing…)

9 p.m. (actually 9:30… I got distracted!). Cross stitching while watching TV.

11 p.m. I forgot to take a photo at 10! Not that it would have made much difference… still cross stitching. Working on the dreaded French knots of dooooom!

And actually forgetting to take a photo at 10 turned out quite well because it means I get to keep my symmetry. I went to bed after the news, which finished at 11:35, so there was no midnight photo.

So, that was my Saturday. Pretty boring! How was yours?

34 thoughts on “A Photo an Hour: 21 February 2015

  1. Cute tights! And you are so domestic with all your cooking and cleaning and cross stitch. I used to cross stitch when I was younger, but haven’t picked up a needle in years. I remember it being quite fun and relaxing x

    1. Haha, thanks. I always end up doing loads of housework at the weekend because it just doesn’t get done during the week. I didn’t actually cook anything this time though, just cracked/beat the eggs for my boyfriend to make omelets 😉

    1. I haaate French knots! They always pull straight through (leaving my thread with a knot in it!) or just fall apart. I’m getting better at them though, and I have to admit they do give a nice effect when they decide to work!

  2. Yes I love your spotty tights! I didn’t know you were a cross stitcher. I have seen a couple of other bloggers who cross stitch and EVERY TIME I say I will give it a go, but ever get round to it :/

    1. I also hate washing dishes! It’s supposed to be Jan’s job but I always end up doing it otherwise it’s impossible for me to cook dinner (either because the dishes I need to cook with are dirty or there are so many dishes everywhere that I can’t actually get to my stovetop!)

  3. Awesome tights! I was just thinking no one seems to have a long lie on the photo an hour weekends, I’m glad I’m not alone! (Although I was actually up earlier than usual on Saturday, too much to do…) 🙂

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