Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt 2.0

Hello friends! You may remember that a while ago I did a bookshelf scavenger hunt – basically taking various prompts and finding books on my shelf that fit them. I recently watched another version, with different prompts, on Books and Lala‘s YouTube channel (I guess I should call it Book Tube channel?) and wanted to play along again. I can’t credit the original creator because I have no idea who that was. So, without further ado, here we go…

1. Find a book that starts with an “N”

I’m guessing in the title, as opposed to the first letter on the first page 😉

1-Starts with N

Neverwhere… and there is also a bonus N book to the right.

2. Find a book cover that’s mostly brown

This was actually quite difficult – apparently I don’t have a lot of brown books! I found one though.

2-brown cover

3. Find a book that’s based on a true story

I’m reaching a little here, but this book is about a woman suffering with severe M.E. and the author also has M.E. (the book is described as an “autobiographical novel) so it kind of counts…

3-true story

4. Find a multiple perspective book


This book is told from the perspectives of the two main characters, Scarlet and Ivy.

5. Find a book you read last year

I read lots of books last year. Here’s one I liked a lot:

5-read last year

I can’t believe I’m still waiting for the final book in the series to come out!

6. Find the most recent book that you bought

This was easy! I was in the office again the other day and I needed a new book for the way home, so I went to the train station bookshop and found this:

6-recently bought

I tore through it on the train and loved it.

7. Find a book cover you don’t like

7-disliked cover

I love Stephen King, but what is this cover all about? So ugly!

8. Find a retelling

I haven’t read this yet, but I’m fairly sure it’s a retelling of Peter Pan:


9. Find a book that is also a movie film (sorry)

I wanted to use The Princess Bride for this but I couldn’t find it, so here’s this:

9-also a film

I have read this book 3 or 4 times but never seen the film.

10. Find a book written this year

Umm, I don’t have one. I rarely buy new books. I was thinking of Eliza and her Monsters but the copyright is 2017, so I have nothing for this prompt.

11. Find a non-fiction book

Easy! All our non-fiction books are together on one bookcase 🙂


I haven’t read this yet but I really want to!

12. Find a book you have told others to read

I have told several people to read this. As far as I know none of them have:

11-recommended book

13. Find a book with a tree on the cover

Another one I haven’t read.

12-tree on cover

By the way, that Costa thing isn’t a sticker but is actually printed onto the cover of my book. Why?!

14. Find a book where the author’s name is the same as yours (first, middle or last)

The spelling is different but it still counts!

13-author shares name

I took out all the Ramona books from the library when I was about 7 purely because the author shared my name.

15. Find a book you have read more than once.

Many, but I went with a childhood (and all-time) favourite:

14-read multiple times

I’ve only just noticed The Secret Garden peeking out at the side… I’ve definitely read that one multiple times as well!

16. Find a book you didn’t finish

15-never finished

I started reading this once with Jan and then again on my own for a reading challenge (the category was to read a book you had previously failed to finish… ironically, I again did not finish). It’s not like it’s a bad book, it’s just so long and the writing is so tiny…

17. Find a book with a king in it.

I wanted to use a Terry Pratchett book for this but annoyingly none of the books featuring King Verence are on the bookcase. I know I’ve bought Jan at least one so he must have left them at his dad’s place. So instead, have this:

16-king in the book

This is a King Arthur retelling. I’ve started it but so far I’m failing to really get into it.

18. Find a book that’s purple with its dust jacket off.

I took off so many dust jackets for this prompt, and in the process discovered that most of my books are boring black when naked. This one is kind of purple though. I also took a photo of it with its dust jacket so you can see what it is.

I’m not sure how purple it looks here, but it’s purplish in real life. I read this one a few years ago and I think I liked it at the time, although I don’t remember much about it now.

19. Find a book you will read by the end of the year

This is the final prompt. And the book I chose was this one:

18-will read in 2018

I’ve had it on my shelf for a while and it sounds really interesting so I will definitely be picking it up sometime soon.

That’s all folks! This is a really fun thing to do – you should give it a try 🙂

13 thoughts on “Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt 2.0

  1. I enjoy these posts! I’m in the homeland, so perhaps I’ll do this with books I see on my parents’ shelves, many of which I’ve read or were mine originally anyway. I doubt there’s anything there that was published this year, but maybe I can switch that category to something else.

    “The Princess Bride” – one of my all-time favorite films, though I admit I have not read the book. Is “film” a British term (rather than “movie”), or is that just your preference? I use it too, and I’m sure I sound like a snob in the US. American is so base, compared to British English.

  2. I LOVE your book posts like this!
    I was thinking, “Fat chance of me finding a book with any of my names on,” and then remembered (if we count nicknames and maiden-names), that I have a book called, “A homecoming for Kezzie” (not read yet but bought for the pure reason of name) and the Alan Garner books (wrong spelling but right if you say it!)
    I loved the Ramona books- Ramona Forever was the best! My sister in law had the two earliest ones that I’d never read (Henry and Beezus) and another one so I really enjoyed reading those!
    I DO want to read that Hexbridge one!

  3. Jana mentioned this on her post today. So much fun! I want to play along but honestly, I don’t “own” that many books these days. A few years back I did a massive purge because I desperately needed space and these days I borrow most books from the library but still going to try to do this the best I can.

  4. Love this idea, and definitely need to borrow! I already know I don’t have books for some of these categories, so I’ll be mixing and matching with prompts from your other list as well 🙂 Into the Beautiful North sounds really good too, adding it to my TBR!

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