Three things for February 2020

Good morning!  I’ve kind of been neglecting this space recently so I thought I’d do this as something fun that’s also quick and easy. Shamelessly stolen from Audrey.
Three things I liked about February
1. Our trip to St Gallen
2. Pancake day!
3. Watching Good Omens
Three things I’m looking forward to in March
1. Poland. We’re meeting my family in Krakow for a few days then Jan and I are going to Wroclaw.
2. Lighter evenings so I can leave the house after work without having to worry about people lurking around corners.
3. …I cant actually think of a third thing. Clearly I need to male some plans for March.
Three vegetables I eat the most
1. Carrots
2. Courgettes
3. Chick peas
Three grocery items I buy every week
1. Milk
2. Bread (for toast)
3. Chicken
Three things we go through like crazy in my house
1. Teabags
2. Dishwasher tabs. I seriously don’t understand how we got through so many with just the two of us living here.
3. Margarine
Three things I always have time for
1. Reading
2. Sending birthday cards
3. Catching up with other people’s blog posts
Three things I never have time for
1. Writing posts for my own blog
2. Housework (you may think I exaggerate but you haven’t seen the absolute state of my flat!)
3. Cooking anything that takes longer than 45 minutes total  (including prep). I want to but I just can’t!
That’s it. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. (P.S. The photo at the top has nothing to do with anything  – I just needed something to put there.)

9 thoughts on “Three things for February 2020

  1. Yes anything taking longer that 45 minutes is a rarity for me to cook. If it ever does it has to at least be on a weekend, but even then too long haha.

  2. I rarely manage to cook in less than 45minutes if we are including chopping and cooking! Oooh, Poland sounds good! I LOVED watching Good Omens- such a great series! Courgettes are definitely one of my most eaten vegetables!!

  3. I might have to answer these too! February seemed to go by in a flash, I’ve found it hard to find time for my blog.
    I totally understand the housework thing, it so low on my list of priorities it always gets left until last and then I run out of time, which is a shame as I love a neat and tidy house!

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