Gutenbergplatz Weekly Market, Karlsruhe

tea stallThe market on Gutenbergplatz is Karlsruhe’s oldest weekly market… and, according to all the people who told me to go there, also the nicest. It’s probably the largest, too, along with the one on Stephansplatz, which it alternates days with. I’ve been meaning to go ever since I first heard about it two years ago, but until now I’d never made it. Everybody I spoke to recommended getting there early and, let’s face it, I’m far too lazy to get up early on a Saturday, especially since Gutenbergplatz isn’t exactly around the corner from where I live! But the Take 12 Trips challenge gave me just the kick up the backside I needed to actually drag myself out of bed and head on over there.

According to the Karlsruhe city website (view it here, in German only), the Wochenmarkt Gutenbergplatz ( Weekly Market on Gutenberg Square) takes place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. Both Tuesday and Thursday are out for me – I’m already on my way to work by that time – and there was absolutely no was I was going to be anywhere near Gutenbergplatz that early on a Saturday, but I did manage to get myself there for 5 to 10, which is still pretty early – especially considering I walked there, which took me half an hour! Yep… I definitely think this can be counted as a trip. I even took a couple of photos for you on the way there, almost like a real tourist ;-).

As well as the usual fruit & vegetable and flower stalls, this market has stands with spices, fresh herbs, tea, cheese and various international specialities – I saw a stand selling Asian goods, a van with Italian goods (lots of parmesan!) and a stall selling “südländische Spezialitäten” – literally Mediterranean specialities, but what I saw there mainly looked Turkish and Greek. And, being Germany, there of course had to be bread! I spotted two vans selling various different kinds, both with huge queues in front of them. Here are a few photos. I apologise for the terrible quality of some… in such situations, I’m always paranoid that the stall owner might tell me off for taking photos of their wares instead of buying them!

The square itself is actually really pretty as well, although it’s difficult to notice it. Here’s a photo that might give you some idea of how nice the old buildings are:


The trees also look much nicer when they’re in bloom or completely covered in leaves. There are two fountains on the North side of square – the Krautkopfbrunnen and the Pelikanbrunnen – but neither has been switched on yet. It went cold again last week though, so they’re probably waiting to be sure that the spring is going to stay!
And now for tourist information part…

What: Weekly market
Where: Gutenbergplatz, between Gutenbergstraße and Nelkenstraße, Karlsruhe Weststadt
When: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays starting at 7 a.m.
Nearest tram stop: Yorckstraße or Sophienstraße (more lines serve Yorckstraße)

The market is quite nice and certainly offers more choice than my own local market (which I think has about 6 stalls!). I wouldn’t say it’s something all visitors to Karlsruhe must see, but if you’re into markets and stuck for something to do on a Saturday give it a go! It’s a produce market though, so don’t expect to find clothes, books or anything of that sort! Saturday is probably the best day to go to that particular market as may of the stalls aren’t there on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Alternatively, if you’re around on a Friday, check out the market on Stephansplatz instead. It has many of the same stalls that go to Gutenbergplatz on a Saturday and is much more central (I believe Stephansplatz is considered to be “Innenstadtwest”, with the actual “centre” of town being the castle).

Do you like to get up early and go to the market? Or do you prefer sleeping in on a Saturday, like I normally do? Let me know in the comments.

19 thoughts on “Gutenbergplatz Weekly Market, Karlsruhe

  1. Looks lovely in the sunshine! Did you buy anything at the market? There’s a market here on Saturdays but it’s not half as good. And no, I’d never get up early to go to it! I would much rather lounge around in my pyjamas!

    1. No, didn’t buy anything this time. It was sooo crowded! If I can persuade Jan to get up early one Saturday I might go and actually buy stuff when he’s there to help carry it back!

  2. I love markets a lot and I am definitely willing to get up early. I usually get up before 7:30 anyway. I love the huge selection of spices you find there. And the bread of course. 🙂 I am also a huge fan of flea markets!

  3. I *love* European markets!!! Definitely a huge benefit to living in Europe, and one that I miss here in the U.S. However, farmers’ markets have become increasingly popular, and for the past two years I’ve been fortunate to have a nice market Saturday mornings only a couple of blocks from my apartment. Typically I am there at 9am when they open. 🙂 It is seasonal, though, so it hasn’t been held during the winter months. I am hugely looking forward to the season opening in a month. Also, I’ve decided to do “Take 12 Trips” as well. Except it will be 10 trips for the rest of the year. 🙂 Did first one today, and have already posted the results on my blog. Have a good week!

    1. Sadly my local market is totally pointless, although I suppose it’s nice that they have one even if it does only consist of 6 stalls 😉

      Looking forward to reading about all your travels. You can still do 12 trips, just carry it over into next year. Very few people actually started in January.. my first trip was last September.

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