Recent doings #29

Good morning! It’s that time of the month again where I link up with Kristen to tell you what’s new with me. June was a weird month – at the time it didn’t feel like it was going fast, but looking back I can’t believe it’s actually over already. Work has also been pretty busy recently, which is why I haven’t been around much on the blogosphere. I’m so sorry if yours is one of the blogs I never got around to commenting on! Anyway, let’s have a look at what I got up to last month…

whats new with you

Reading. The month started off relatively slow and I didn’t think I was going to read many books, but I actually ended up completing 18 again! One of those was started in May and I only read the last few pages in June, so I read 17 entire books in June. I also started two others, which I’ve now abandoned for Erin’s challenge because of course I have. Actually finishing what I started is overrated 😉

Watching. We’re still recording Young Sheldon each week and then watching it on a different day. And I’ve been watching football… way more than I would have chosen to watch if I’d been in charge of the remote 😉

Eating. Salad. Lots and lots of salad. We’ve also made use of the barbecue, so there have been quite a few sausages as well. Oh, and ice cream. It’s okay though… I kept breakfast/lunch really low calorie so I managed to fit it into my plan and even get the scales moving in the right direction. Although I put on half a kilogram when we went away for the weekend and it’s taken until today for the scales to finally be back where they were on Friday. *Sigh*

Going to. Like I said, we went away for the weekend. Jan hired a car and we drove to Vitznau on Lake Lucerne, where we spent one night. We went on 30 June and didn’t get there until early evening so most of what we did will be covered in my summary for July 😉 But here’s a picture taken from the car ferry that brought us across the lake

Lake Lucerne

The weekend before, we took a day trip to Wasserfallen, which is a short drive from us. We took a cable car up a mountain, walked around and saw some people returning from llama trekking. It looked so cool and now I want to take a llama for a walk!

Cross stitching. I stitched a smiley card for a Post Pals sibling and started a card for my friend’s son’s birthday. Need to start Christmas stitching soon!

Celebrating. A school/university friend’s wedding… the one we travelled to England for in May. Also a colleague of Jan’s birthday. Here, have a look at what I wore for the wedding:

wedding outfit

Baking. Biscuits, as you saw, for the aforementioned birthday celebration and then to use up the leftover butter cream icing.

Seeing/hearing. Jan had another performance – this time a project set up by someone from one of his other choirs – so of course I went along to see it.

Attending. A meeting with our housing association and some architects. Our building is being renovated next year and all the flats are getting new windows and new kitchens/bathrooms. It will mean a lot of disruption and a temporary shower for everyone on the ground floor, but we have the most annoying toilets so I can’t wait for them to be replaced. We will also be getting individual washing machines, so no more making appointments for the communal one only for people to steal them. Can. Not. Wait!

Buying. Umm… books, of course. Including two at the airport on the way back from England. I actually can’t think of anything else I bought in June, other than groceries, stamps… things that don’t count.

I think that’s everything that happened in June that I can actually talk about (so vague. So cryptic. So sorry). I hope you all had a great month. Tell me what you got up to… or come link up with the rest of us!

20 thoughts on “Recent doings #29

  1. That’s a lovely dress! You look great! Those darn scales…I only step on one once a year so I can lie to the nurse when she asks how much I weigh. I’m curious about the annoying toilets – are they those “shelf toilets” I hate so much? If so, thank goodness you’re getting new ones. I’m happy for you about the washer, too!

    1. Thank you 🙂

      They are not shelf toilets thankfully, but there seems to be sharp edge where the bowl joins to the pipe so little bits of toilet paper always get stuck there and eventually start to smell, no matter how often I clean the toilet. Also one of the toilets will only refill after flushing if you hit it in a certain spot!

  2. You read 17 books in June?! That is AWESOME. Love your dress for the wedding – super cute. Kind of sounds like you’ll be doing some dorm living during renovations. Upgrades are always exciting!

    Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. i eat lots of bad things with my salads – like croutons and creamy dressing. but it’s still okay, right? lol. i’ve been eating lots of ice cream and milkshakes because they were soft and easy to get down, but then i kept eating them even after i could eat normal food. oops 🙂 that picture from the ferry is gorgeous! and love the dress you wore to the wedding. i’m glad i’m not the only one who buys all the books lol

  4. I’m all about eating healthy during the day so I can have ice cream at night! It’s a great solution. Keep up the good work!

  5. Noooo, I want to know why you were so cryptic! What happened!?!?!?! Will you tell me by email!???!?!
    Your dress is so pretty, I love it. Good choice for the wedding. Was it hot? It’s been madly hot here!
    Oooh, lovely Lake Lucerne! We spent some happy days there before going onto Spiez!!! It was the 75th Anniversary of the Lucerne festival when we were there!

    1. It was hot during the day of the wedding then rained at night. This was the beginning of June before it got really hot in England.

      Haha, sorry if the intrigue is annoying. I will email you x

  6. Sign me up for the walk with a llama! Glad to hear your building is being renovated and I hope the temporary situation is over and done with quickly. Communal washing machines – nooo. Call me a diva, but I cannot do shared washing machines. I’m very disorganised and not in a lot so that just doesn’t work for me. Exciting you’ll get your own soon!

    1. YES, llama walks all round!

      I hated the idea of a communal washing machine but basically every rental apartment in Switzerland has it so we didn’t really have a choice. At least we’re getting our own now.

  7. 18 books is so impressive… WOW.
    Sounds like a fun month! I so wish we could just do day trips around a place as gorgeous as Switzerland. My jealousy is at an all time high 🙂 Pretty wedding outfit!

    1. Yeah, June was pretty good.

      The kid who plays Sheldon is great and I also like that the actress playing the mother is the real-life daughter of the one who plays Sheldon’s mother in The Big Bang Theory. Jan didn’t believe me when I said I saw a resemblance so I looked it up and I was right 😉

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