Friday Letters and Daily Diaries

Ugh… it has been another long and exceedingly crazy week where work is concerned. In fact, even crazier than last week if that’s possible. On Wednesday, I worked over 9 hours. Ok, that’s only an hour and a bit of overtime, which to some of you probably doesn’t sound like much (my boyfriend regularly works for more than 10 hours a day), but for me it’s exhausting! And next week my plan is looking just as full.
Anyway, here are some Friday letters for you, and I’m also linking up with Kate at Diaries of an Essex Girl for Daily Diaries again,  so after the letters there’ll be a bit more about what I’ve been up to.


Dear work. Apparantly you’re not understanding the whole “less crazy” thing. It means I would prefer not to do any more overtime, okay?

Dear weekend. You have no idea how glad I am to see you! Let’s just hang out and have a nice, relaxing time, okay?

Dear stomach. Please stop randomly aching. It is annoying!

Dear shower/oven. Sorry, but you’re not getting cleaned this weekend. It’s been a long week and I need to relax! Soon though, I promise.

Dear Easter weekend. Please hurry up! I need a break from all this craziness.

And now a recap of my week from Saturday 29 March – Friday, 4 April

Saturday – I already told you about my trip to the market on Gottesauer Platz. And that’s basically all I did on Saturday. I was sick in the morning for reasons unknown (not much fun when you haven’t eaten anything… I basically threw up a cup of tea and a load of bile. Sorry, TMI ;-)), so I ended up spending the day on the couch with the TV on and a blanket. I felt better towards the afternoon/evening and decided to risk anything, but cancelled the friend’s birthday party I was supposed to attend in the evening. Jan arrived back from Turkey late on Friday night to find me already in bed!

Sunday – Before Jan went away, he had offered to get a car so we could go somewhere on this day. It was meant to be for Take 12 Trips, but even though I said I’d done something for it, he decided to still get a car. We went to Colmar… but I won’t tell you any more about it now because it will be getting its own post (the one I’ve been wanting to write all week!)

Monday – The only interesting thing about Monday was that my colleague came in to work to show off  her 8 week old baby. Other than that, I worked. Then I came home and worked some more to make up for having an extra long break while my colleague was there.

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday – More work. I left early on Tuesday to go by the doctors and pick up a pill prescription/make an appointment for my next smear test before doing work from home again. I was in bed by 9:30 so I could get an early start the next day. On Wednesday, I was up at 5:30 a.m. My stomach randomly started aching after lunch – not badly enough for me to go home, but enough to be annoying. For once, I did not work in the evening, having already put in over 9 hours thanks to going in early and barely having a lunch break. On Thursday, my stomach hurt for most of the morning but was fine again by lunch time. I went in to work early again (another 5 a.m. wakeup call!), but then left at 3 for an appointment at the bank (finance check… I have to go back in May to talk about insurance. Ugh… grown up stuff!!). I then went home and ate dinner in front of the computer while doing yet more work. Too many deadlines! Once I’d shut the computer down, my stomach started annoying me again, so I went to bed. Jan was at choir practice – not at our place for a change – and when he came home, I woke up and noticed I had a horrible salty taste in my mouth. Weird!

Friday – That would be today. I woke up without a stomach ache (yay!), but still with the weird taste in my mouth… and it didn’t go away after brushing my teeth. Grrr! By the time I got to work, my stomach felt weird again (not sore, just weird) so I didn’t eat my yoghurt. An hour later, we all had a cup of tea and after drinking it I felt really hungry, so I ate my yoghurt. And worked… a lot. Which brings us to now. I’m currently on my lunch break, eating rice crackers  (I have a chickpea curry thing with me, but I don’t want to eat it in case my stomach rebels again). Soon, I’ll be getting back to work for the rest of the afternoon. Then I shall go home (hopefully on time), switch on the TV and proceed to do absolutely nothing until it’s time to make some food.

Phew… that was a lot of writing for a week where I essentially did nothing!  If you would also like to share what you’ve been doing all week, come and join the linkup and Kate’s blog. And no excuses about your week being too uninteresting – I mean,  just look at what I wrote about…
Daily Diaries with Diaries of an Essex Girl