A Photo an Hour: 17 February 2018

Saturday was February’s photo an hour date. I didn’t take part on Twitter because I was in France for most of the day and didn’t want to buy a data package, but I did take photos ready for uploading to a blog post. I had actually forgotten about it until Jan said “don’t forget to take a photo every hour”… at 20 past 11! By then I had missed just over two hours worth of photos! So I decided to wait 10 minutes and make it a photos at half past day, rather than on the hour. As a result, getting up and breakfast are missing and my “day” starts shortly after checking out of the hotel.

11:30 a.m. Just left our hotel in Dijon. The red phonebox (with no phone in it) is a meeting point for tour buses.

12:30 p.m. Rainy Dijon. We had just bought tickets from the Tourist Information office to climb the tower you see in this photo.

1:30 p.m. After a tea/coffee break, we’re back out walking in the rain.

2:30 p.m. Our tower tickets were for 2 p.m. At this stage we were at the bottom of the tower waiting for the guide to open the door and let us out.

3:30 p.m. At the museum of Fine Arts, formerly the Ducal Palace.

4:30 p.m. Another museum! This time The Museum of Burgundian Life.

5:30 p.m. All museumed out, we headed to a nearby bar.

6:30 p.m. Still at the bar. There were lots of these drawings on the wall.

7:30 p.m. After collecting the suitcase from the hotel, we picked up some food for the train journey home.

8:30 p.m. On the train reading Anna Karenina.

9:30 p.m. Back in Basel and on the train home – Dijon is only just under 1.5 hours away!

10:30 p.m. So happy to be all snuggly in my PJs!

That was the last photo I took – I did read for a little afterwards, but I was snuggled up with the lights out long before it would have been time to take the next photo.

As always, Photo an Hour was hosted by Louisa and Jane.
What did you get up to on Saturday?

10 thoughts on “A Photo an Hour: 17 February 2018

  1. I love Dijon! Didn’t realise it was so quick by train. I went by car during my first year in France, but then got lost on the way home, after taking the wrong motorway exit and ended up panicking on a deserted mountain road, all by myself, wondering when I would run out of petrol…before or after finding civilisation! The train sounds so much more relaxed 🙂

    1. I didn’t realise how close it was either until I was looking at places to go! I originally looked at Lyon, but it was a bit far for such a short trip, then I realised the train there actually went via Dijon!

      Eep, being lost on a mountain road sounds scary! One more reason to be glad I can’t drive 😉 You obviously made it our alive eventually though (unless you’re a ghost?)

      1. Bizarre that the train gets to Lyon via Dijon! I made it out eventually, thanks to a map I found in the glove box. I had set out at 4:30 am to drop friends off at the airport on my way, and got home well after 9pm! Well worth the adventure though 🙂

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