Christmas is officially coming

I’ve been “deserted” this weekend (Jan’s had to go to Hamburg for work), and for the first time in a while I’m not invited to anything, so I actually have some time on my hands… which means I have time to write a proper blog post. Mircales do happen, it seems.

Well, the Christmas season is now officially upon us. The Karlsruhe Christmas market (and probably a number of other Christmas markets) started on Thursday. And I received my first Christmas card today. Therefore, it is official. The season has begun…
This year we’ve decided to spend Christmas in England. The last 2 years we’ve been in Germany so it’s about time. We’ll be there for 10 days, which I think will be the longest time my little brother’s seen me for in his entire life (admittedly he’s only 4, but still. That tells you something about how much time I spend in the home country). Then we’ve decided to do Edinburgh for New Year, since we only got to spend one afternoon there when we did our tour of Britain this summer.

Next weekend I’m cooking Christmas dinner for 8. Well, possibly for 8. Right now it could potentially only be 3 as only one person has confirmed that they’re coming (the other 2 being me and Jan of course). Then Jan’s choir is performing the following weekend, and we’re invited to a birthday on the same day (the choir performance is in the morning, the party in the evening so it works). In between we have my work Christmas meal, the monthly pub quiz (yes, it’s only once a month) and we want to fit in a few trips to some Christma markets. And all that before we fly to England on 18th December. Phew! It’s going to be a busy one…

And now I’d better get back to wrapping presents. Who knows when I’ll have another opportunity to do so…

Catching up

After another weekend away from the blogosphere I am slowly, slowly starting to catch up with all the blogs I like to read. If I haven’t left you a comment yet I will soon… there’s just so much to get through!

My friend’s visit went well. There was lots going on, but we managed to fit everything in and get her back to the train station in time on Sunday. So I think we can label the weekend a success.

And now, after over a week of day trips, fun and visitors, today’s task is to write and submit a proposal for my dissertation, which I will hopefully be starting to write in September. Wish me luck… I’ve never written a proper dissertation proposal before! (For my Bachelor’s dissertation we had to submit a plan but it was nothing like what I’m expected to do for this one!)

Busy, busy, busy

After a packed weekend (which I still need to tell you about) and yesterday’s interview I now have even more business ahead of me.
Jan’s parents are coming to Karlsruhe today so that they can go to a concert on Thursday. I’m not going to the concert itself – when I asked Jan if I would enjoy it he told me he’s not even sure yet whether he will like it so I told him to just get three tickets and spend some time with his parents – but we will be having dinner with them tonight and tomorrow evening than Jan has Thursday off so we can do something together during the day. They leave on Friday, either in the morning or early afternoon, then on Friday evening I have a friend coming to stay for the weekend. Busy, busy, busy. But in a good way.

But what I mostly came on here to tell you is that the company I had my interview with yesterday called this morning. They liked my practice translation and now want me to come in for a trial day next week. Things are progressing it seems. 🙂