What am I stitching? Part 6: We have a winner!

Today, somebody found my blog by searching for “how many calories are burned doing cross stitch?” (I suspect the answer is not very many!). I decided to take that as a hint that it’s time I got on with my what am I stitching series.  As usual, I’ll start with your guesses from last time.  Here’s the picture I gave you to work from:

Cross stitch 5

Lady of the Cakes said: “OMG, it’s the Incredible Hulk taking a piss!!! …in fact, he’s giving himself a golden shower…” All I can say to that is wow…

Polly from A Girl and Her Travels thought it might be a gremlin (riding the moon to… somewhere). Gremlinland perhaps?

Katrin from Land of Candycanes decided to stick with the leprechaun idea, but added that this time the leprechaun creature is sitting on a moon. And he has a letter in his pocket.

K8’s guess was a child dressed in green with a grey teddy on it’s back? Only the legs of the teddy are stitched so far. Oh, and the teddy is also holding a medal on a pink ribbon.

Thoughtsy went with a rabbit in a green teddy bear angel suit on the moon! Not a bad guess at all.

Gina from A 4star Life decided it was a baby bunny trying to knock that pesky star off the top of the moon! So close, Gina!

Tina from Kulturschock said “Right now, this looks like Jeff Goldblum halfway through his transformation into The Fly assaulting a rabbit on the moon. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

The Laughing Housewife thought it looked like a green Cat in the Hat on the moon

And finally, we have a winner!
I purposely saved Elaine from I Used to Be Indecisive‘s answer for last, because she was the first to come up with a correct answer:
It’s a rabbit in a green outfit sitting astride a moon. It’s left paw is holding the moon and the right paw is reaching up to try and touch the star. It is wearing a nightcap-style hat which is hanging down its back. The hat has a yellow bobble on the end.
Congratulations Elaine! That’s pretty much exactly what it is! Give me your address please and some sweet german goodness (chocolate and the like) shall come winging its way towards you as soon as I get round to visiting the post office.

I also promised a second prize for the answer I liked best. With so many great guesses, I couldn’t possibly choose between them, so there will be two small prizes making their way to lucky winners.
1. Lady of the Cakes for her Incredible Hulk guess, because it literally made me laugh out loud.
2. Linda from Expat Eye on Latvia for her very first guess way back at the start of the series: A leprechaun with an egg-shaped head, kicking his heels together as he dances a jig in his green booties. For some reason I can’t explain, a banana is throwing up a little in the background. Purely because the idea of a banana throwing up appealed to me.
Congratulations ladies! E-mail me your addresses and I’ll send you some treats.

And in case anyone is still wondering about my progress, here’s what I’ve stitched so far:

Cross stitch 6

Still a long way to go, but at least it finally looks like something!!

I blame it on stress…

I feel ill today. Actually it all started when I woke up with a sore throat yesterday. I managed to forget about it for most of the day though in all the excitement of sorting out flat stuff. The soreness came back in the evening though, after Jan left. This morning it was no worse, but no better either, and I’ve been cold all day despite the fact that it’s a beautifully warm day. I’m also aching all over and my head feels like it wants to float away. And, just to add to my woes, I’ve discovered a patch of eczema on my hand. Usually I only get eczema when I’m stressed or if I use a product that I’m allergic to, and since I haven’t used anything new lately I’m going with the stress option.

So why am I stressed you ask? Well, apart from the whole money thing (pleeease let my pay go in before the rent goes out!) there’s the fact that I’m moving in six days and yet anyone entering my room for the first time could be forgiven for thinking I haven’t even started packing yet. I’ve no idea when I’m supposed to get it all done either considering I have to work this week and I never get home before 6:30pm, ever. And that’s when I come straight home – if I have to go shopping or something it’s usally somewhere between 7 and 7:30. Except on Fridays when I finish early. And, to add to all that, I have stuff to do for uni. First of all there’s a practice translation potfolio due in tomorrow. I have done most of the actually translating part but still need to type it up, write an analysis (this text appeared in blah blah and has a target audience of such and such. The style of writing is such and such) and commentary (what problems I had when translating the text. Why I chose to translate particular things the way I did). That’s not soo bad though, it’s only a practoce. I should at least hand something in though as I completely missed the last one. But if it’s not finished the world will not end. Noo, that’s not a major problem. What is a major problem is the actual assessed piece of coursework, due on 20th March. Yes, that is 20 days away, I know. The problem is for most of those 20 days I am going to be without internet which kind of makes finding a text to translate online a little difficult. And I also have to find other texts to put into the portfolio. And the dictionary I usually use to translate is also an online one. I do have a very good paper dictionary, but it doesn’t have a forum where I can get help with particularly strange phrasing. Neither does it have Google to define words I’ve never heard of and show me pictures to help me figure out what’s going on. So I basically need to try and get everything but the translation difficulties part of that done by Saturday morning as well. And those are just the major things that need doing in. Add in all the normal every day things (like trying to get all my laundry done before I move out as it will be a while before I can afford a washing machine plus actually finding time to eat, shower breathe…) and you have one very busy Bev on your hands.  Soo I think I have good reason to be stressed out. No wonder I’m not feeling brilliant!

On a brighter note some of you may remember my Happiness is… blog from a few weeks ago. It was part of a competition by Odette, aka Little Miss Firefly and I actually won! Yep, mine was the first name to be picked out of the hat… metaphorically speaking anyway. Actually she used random.org to pick the winners, I just thought the hat thing sounded good. Anyway, enough waffling. Go check out Odette’s blog to see what I won. And in the meantime I shall get back to my attempts to translate and pack at the same time…